Recovering Compensation For Oil And Gas Site Injuries
“Marcellus Shale,” “Hydrofracking,” “Horizontal Drilling” – these are all terms that have recently become familiar to the residents of Pennsylvania and New York. At Black, Lyle & Habberfield, LLP, we realize that oil and gas drilling in both Northwestern Pennsylvania and Southwestern New York is a hot button political issue in the communities where we practice.
However, no matter whether you support drilling for the highly touted economic benefits it may bring to our area or oppose it due to concerns about its impact on our environment, one thing is certain – drilling accidents will happen and injuries will result from those accidents. Given the dangers associated with oil and gas drilling, the injuries that occur are often serious and result in permanent injuries and the loss of thousands of dollars of income for the injured workers.
The attorneys at Black, Lyle & Habberfield, LLP, are on the forefront of this developing field of personal injury litigation. We have handled many cases involving oil and gas site accidents ranging from injuries that occurred during site prep to those that resulted from the collapse of a completed and operational drilling rig. In addition, we are willing to review cases where persons have suffered injuries or damage to their homes as a result of oil or gas infiltration into their properties or water supplies.
We Pursue All Potential Avenues Of Financial Compensation
Please understand that many of the legal issues that are intertwined with oil and gas site accidents are complex and the untrained legal eye may miss potential avenues for an injured worker to be compensated. The lawyers at Black, Lyle & Habberfield, LLP, have the experience of trying an oil and gas drilling case to verdict and appeal.
If you have been unfortunate enough to have been injured as a result of oil or gas drilling operations, place your trust in attorneys with real experience in oil and gas injury claims – the attorneys at Black, Lyle & Habberfield, LLP. Call our office at 716-301-4201 or reach out online.