New York State families rely on nursing homes to care for their elderly and ill loved ones who cannot adequately care for themselves. Part of that is ensuring they receive all the necessary nutrition, have a safe environment, are given their medication and get...
Local Attorneys. Real Results
Medical Malpractice
Negligence and malpractice
Most personal injury lawsuits are based on the legal theory of negligence. This includes medical malpractice cases, although the way negligence works in these cases is somewhat different. In this blog post, we will try to explain negligence and medical negligence....
New York hospitals improve, but patient safety still a concern
The winter and holiday seasons present many dangers. You could fall from a ladder hanging up lights, slip on ice after a storm or suffer a heart attack after a heavy meal or while shoveling snow. We head straight to the emergency room when a health crisis hits and...
What is informed consent and why is it important?
Going through a medical procedure can be a stressful and scary experience, especially if it is a new one. You want to know as much as possible about what exactly is going to be done, the risks, side effects and potential outcomes. You have a right to information You...
Forms of compensation in a medical malpractice case
Being the victim of medical malpractice can disrupt your entire life, sometimes on a permanent basis. Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor or hospital does not provide the proper standard of care, causing you injury or harm. Types of medical malpractice There is a...
Medical conditions doctors commonly miss
A failed diagnosis, erroneous diagnosis or misdiagnosis can spell devastation for victims and their families. In some cases, the faulty diagnosis can lead to medical treatments that lead to injury. In many cases, a misdiagnosis can mean the patient's true condition...
What are the first steps in a medical malpractice case?
Going to the doctor can be scary, especially knowing that we may actually come out of that appointment worse than when we went in. Through medical negligence, doctors and other healthcare providers can harm us by not providing a standard level of care. Indeed, even a...
How long do people have to file a medical malpractice claim?
People in New York generally go to see doctors when they need medical attention. They expect the doctors will be able to not only diagnose what may be causing their medical issues, but also be able to help cure the issue as well. Medical professionals like anybody...
Prevention efforts can reduce instances of surgical errors
Surgery can be an invasive necessity for western New Yorkers who suffer from certain medical conditions. When other options are not available, they may choose to undergo operations to improve their lives through better health. As individuals who have had surgery may...
Common forms of medical negligence
Doctors are some of society’s most respected professionals, and rightfully so. However, despite the many years of education and training, some doctors fail to adhere to the proper standard of care when treating their patients. New York doctors who breach the duty owed...