Our country is intertwined with cars and other motor vehicles. Most of us need a vehicle to do simple tasks like going to work, getting groceries or visiting others. Even with modern safety enhancements like seatbelts, automated driver’s assistance and airbags that...
Local Attorneys. Real Results
Month: July 2023
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Motorcyclists should be wary of summer road dangers
More people take to the New York roads when the warmer weather comes around. For the summer, that means road trips, going to leisure activities and traveling to destinations to gather with family and friends. Many of those on the roadways are motorcyclists. Riders are...
Am I going to be broke after my car accident?
If you have been injured in a car accident, you are no doubt experiencing a lot of pain and discomfort. You and your family are also probably facing extreme financial pressures as you deal with medical expenses and your inability to return to work. While a lot of your...