Over the past couple years, many sectors of the economy have complained of labor shortages. One hard-hit industry is nursing home care. This is particularly worrisome for the greater community because low staffing at nursing homes puts the residents at risk. There...
Local Attorneys. Real Results
Nursing Home Abuse
New York nursing home complaints skyrocketed in past two years
Nursing home care is a necessity for many New Yorkers. Their family members make the difficult decision to place their loved one in a facility expecting there to be a standard of care. In addition, they are functioning under the assumption that there will be...
What do I do if I suspect nursing home abuse?
The thought of someone abusing one of our elderly family members is horrific. Unfortunately, stories of nursing home abuse or neglect are not uncommon. If you have a loved one in a nursing home and start seeing signs that make you suspect abuse or neglect, you may not...
Liability for nursing home abuse and protections for victims
Nursing home abuse can be one of the worst experiences nursing home residents and their families can suffer. For that reason, loved ones who believe their family member has been the victim of nursing home abuse should be familiar with the ways nursing homes can be...
Rating system for nursing homes omits incidents of abuse
For families in New York and around the country, finding the right facility for an elderly loved one becomes a priority when they can no longer take care of themselves. It seems that relying on federal resources, however, may no longer be a reliable option. The U.S....
This can be a scary time to be a nursing home resident
This blog has talked about nursing home abuse on several occasions, but this is an especially dark time for the practice. It seems like every week there is another national headline reporting some reported nursing home abuse. A recent $20 million jury award Nationally...
What are some common signs of nursing home abuse?
Placing a loved one in a skilled nursing facility is one of the hardest things an Olean area family can do. But there comes a time in many people’s lives where they are unable to care for themselves. A skilled nursing facility can offer the care that an elderly person...
New York strengthens oversight of nursing homes
Entrusting the care of loved ones to a nursing home can be a painful decision. For people who have to make that decision, they are rightfully concerned about the quality of care their loved ones will receive. For the past year or more, a spotlight has been put upon...
Five signs of nursing home abuse and neglect
Many of us in Olean with loved ones in nursing homes may not have been able to visit them much in 2020. Therefore, as when we are able to visit them finally, we may notice significant declines in their health. While some of these declines are a natural course of...
When nursing homes can be liable for nursing home abuse
When a loved one has been harmed in a nursing home, family members and the victim should be familiar with the legal protections available to them. There are several different circumstances when a nursing home may be liable for the damages suffered by the victim and...